Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I feel like chicken tonight

Just when I thought there was no way for Pamela Anderson (whose IQ is certainly lower than her artficially inflated bust-size) to appear any dumber, I hear about her quest to avenge the cruelty to chickens!

I think it's been at least five years since I last ate at a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), but I drive by one at least twice a week... and I think I'll be having a two-piece combo meal with mashed potatoes and gravey for dinner tonight.

Something as stupid as this makes me boycott boycotts.

Pamela Anderson loses battle over Col. Sanders bust

Pamela Anderson (best known for artifical breasts, bad movies, and worse TV shows) has lost her bid to get the bust of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) founder Colonel Harland Sanders removed from the state Capitol building.

Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher has written to the actress/model explaining the bust will stay put, despite Anderson's claim that Sanders is a symbol of cruelty to chickens.

In his letter, Fletcher wrote, "Colonel Sanders remains a Kentucky icon. His success story has been an inspiration to many. The industry he began has employed hundreds of thousands of workers over the years. His business and his legacy have been good for Kentucky."

Anderson has fired back at Fletcher, calling Sanders' company one "that mutilates God's creatures."

The actress has teamed up with animal activists at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to urge fast food fans to boycott KFC until the company agrees to clean up its slaughterhouse policies.

I urge fast food fans go get themselves some Original Reciepe Chicken! And I urge movie fans to ignore whatever remains of Anderson's sorry excuse for a career.


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