Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was just commenting that we're overdue for a Quija Board movie

About an hour ago, I remarked to a fellow aficionado of horror and trashy movies that it had been a while since I'd noticed Parker Brothers getting free advertising for their spirit-channeling Ouija Board via a horror movie.

And, in a coincidence that rivals a spirit telling me what I had to breakfast via a planchette and a strip of letters, I opened my email box to find a note from a staffer at Toronto-based Dark House Films letting me know about the premiere of their latest movie, "The Unleashed".

Check out this preview:

It looks like not only will Parker Bros. see a bump in Quija Board sales, but the movie-viewing audience will be treated to a classic creep-fest full of the ghosts and demonic possession.

"The Unleashed" is set for release in August, but there will be a special premiere on June 25 at The Queen Elizabeth Theater in Toronto. If you live in that area, go check it out and report back what what you see! (It's a little too far for me to drive....)

For more information on the movie and the premiere, click here.

A scene from "Unleashed"
(Where a pair of horror characters once again show that you should NEVER play with the Quija Board you find in the attic of an old house.
The five minutes of fun are followed by mayhem and madness!)


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